Mountain #25 of #EpicRace -- Méribel

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Today marked mountain #25, the last mountain before the big finale tomorrow. We saved Méribel for last so that it would be an easy day, since we'd already skied most of the mountain earlier in the week. Want to save our energy for the big day tomorrow!

We met up with Olympian Kaylin Richardson and the video guy Eric from Vail for some more filming this morning as well. They tagged along with us as we went to the very back of the valley to the base of the Mont Vallon lift for our check-in.  The lift takes you to the highest point in Méribel, but unfortunately it doesn't open until Saturday. We may have to ski just one extra day to check it out.

We had fun filming with Kaylin and Eric, and will be excited to see the footage. Of course the light was SUPER flat out today as a storm is rolling in so I skied rather slowly and in a snowplow most of the time haha. Of course the day we ski with an olympian, I ski like I'm 12.  I also found out what vertigo feels like today. The alps hardly have any trees like the ski hills in the states, which can make skiing in flat light very difficult.  It's just a complete sea of white and you have no sense of which way you're going. Unfortunately I ended up feeling quite sick, and was not a huge fan of skiing today.

After we did our check-in video, we headed down to Méribel-Mottaret, the upper village. They have a giant air bag that you can do jumps on to and there was a large group of EpicRacers meeting at noon to watch/jump. We were there for probably a good hour watching different racers, Kaylin, and Eric all attempt different jumps and to cheer them on. Afterwards, we grabbed some lunch with Joe, Steve, and John again before taking one last lift up and skiing back home. We're expecting more snow overnight, although we're not quite sure how much yet.

Tomorrow morning will be an interesting day and we've been pouring over the map trying to figure out our strategy for tomorrow.  At this point it's kind of a crap shoot on where to start. Vail hasn't really given out too many clues for what the race will entail in the morning. I think we'll just have to pick our starting point and go with it, and hopefully it works out in our favor.  We'll try to update everyone on how it turns out tomorrow, but Vail is throwing a big après-ski party after the race ends tomorrow so we can all celebrate completing the 26 mountains. Should be a really fun time!

For our photo/video requirements, we completed the following check-points.

1)  Base of Pas Du Lac Lift

2) Top of Burgin Peak

3) Base of Mont Vallon Lift

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