Mountain #12 of #Epic Race -- Mt. Brighton

Sunday, December 8, 2013

After spending a bit of time exploring the Mall of America yesterday and grabbing lunch at a local spot thanks to Yelp called the The Town Hall Tap, it was back to the airport for our flight to Detroit.  Once we arrived, it was the same routine as the night before -- check in at the hotel, get crazy looks when we say we're here for skiing, and then off to the room to change in our ski gear before back in the car and off to the ski hill.

Mt. Brighton was about 45mins away from the hotel/airport, and is located right next to a series of strip malls with everything from Target, Best Buy, Bed Bath and Beyond, Panera, etc.  At least with Afton Alps, it was in the middle of the country side so you felt a bit more remote. With Mt. Brighton you are smack dab in the middle of the action with bright lights from stores everywhere.

It was also quite a bit smaller with only 2 lifts and 1 rope tow operating last night.  It was definitely a popular spot to be if you were a kid and looking for a place to hang out on a Saturday night.  I'm pretty sure we were the oldest ones on the hill by a good 10-15 years and also the only skiers carrying poles.  It was still fun to explore and check off as our last of the US resorts!
The entire "mountain"!

For the photo/video checklist at Mt. Brighton, we completed the following:

1) Bottom or Top of Chair 1

The bottom of the lift is just below us. 
2) Near a snow gun

3) Riding or next to a carpet lift

Overall, another fun mountain and with that, we're officially done with all 12 resorts in the US for the #EpicRace! On to Europe!!!

1 comment:

  1. Mt. Brighton is about an hour from where I grew up, definitely not a ski destination LOL :) I am loving following along with your travels! :)


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