Rustic Guest Bedroom

Friday, February 14, 2014

Wow, it's already the middle of February! Time has been flying by this year! It's been a busy few weeks with a trip out to Colorado for some more skiing and a conference for Dave, lots of friends visiting on the weekends for some skiing, and my marketing business picking up!

Rustic Guest Bedroom

Rustic Guest Bedroom 
bedframe // duvet // curtains // lamp // burlap monogram // wall art

One of the main items on my to-do list for the year is to finally get our guest bedroom finished. We already have the bed frame, wall color, and rock lamp, so we only really need the bedding and some finishing touches to pull the room together. It's just been tough to get over that last hump and put the room together.

Let me know what you think of this design scheme in the comments below. Would love some input and suggestions! Hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend!

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