Fashion: Wedding Attire Options

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

As I was looking through our calendar for this coming summer, I realized that we've been invited to 5 weddings! Apparently 2014 is turning out to be a popular year.  The weddings are a complete range of styles/dress codes too. I figured I should start looking for some possible dresses to wear. Shopping is rather limited in Tahoe with the closest "real" mall an hour away in Reno or two hours away in Sacramento, so I usually buy online to save time. Here are some of my favorites that I've found so far.

This is my favorite dress so far -- it just looks so fun and fancy! I think it would fit for any of the ceremony types too!
I think this dress is so fun! This would be perfect for some of the dressier/evening weddings.
This is a great dress for a more casual outdoor wedding. I also love the color!
This is a fun dress and I like the subtle high/low hem. It is also one that I think would be perfect for either a day or nighttime wedding.
Will keep you posted on what I end up finding! Open to suggestions too if you know of some cute new styles out there.

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