First Spring Weekend

Monday, March 24, 2014

We kicked off our weekend celebrating our anniversary on Friday. It was a very low key day since Dave and I decided we want to take a tropical vacation in the next few weeks/months instead of going all out on the actual day. But we still had a great time celebrating!

First up, we took our daily walk down to the meadow. Bondi has been obsessed with the mud lately and has been making a beeline right for it. She also decided to jump in the pond to swim after the ducks! Needless to say she's ended up having more baths in the last week than in the past year!

Since our first anniversary is considered the "paper" anniversary, Dave's mom gave us some Elephant Poo Poo Paper! Such a fun and clever present, and very fitting for the "paper" anniversary! Have you seen this stationary before? Can't wait to use it!

For dinner, we went to The Chart House. The view from the dining room is pretty spectacular and luckily we were seated just in time for sunset. Although I'm not a huge fan that they print their menus daily with their specials (big waste of paper!), it was really fun that they had our anniversary printed on the top of the menu! The service we excellent and the food was amazing. I highly recommend the New Wave Surf and Turf with short ribs, scallops and mashed potatoes -- some of my favorite foods!

When we got home we opened up one of our last bottles of Ernest Hill and ate the other half of the chili chocolate bar from Mexico. Note to self, keep chocolate in the freezer and not the fridge when you want to save it for a year. :)

The rest of the weekend was spent working in the yard, raking pine needles and clearing out bushes. We're getting ready to put in a small stream, waterfall, and pond in over the next few weeks (depending on the snowfall this week). I'll be sharing photos of that project soon!

How did you spend your weekend?


  1. Happy 1st Anniversary! Your dinner sounded wonderful! I've never been to the Chart House, I'm putting on my list for my next trip up :)

    1. Thanks so much! Yes, definitely check out The Chart House on your next trip. The view, service, and food were all fantastic! They even have a gluten free menu available (although I didn't look at it -- I was sold on the New Wave Surf and Turf!). Also, make your reservation for at least 30 mins before the sunset. People like to linger at their tables way longer to try and catch the sunset -- we were barley seated in time. Have fun!


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