
Thursday, November 21, 2013

The last 24 hours have certainly been interesting as we've made some changes to our travel schedule in preparation for the Epic Race to begin tomorrow.  With both Northstar and Kirkwood deciding to delay their openings, we quickly rearranged our schedule to drive out to Colorado tomorrow to ski those resorts first. Today was very busy doing laundry, cleaning, catching up on some work, and laying out all our gear to pack in preparation for the trip.

Then we received an email from Vail Resorts this afternoon, updating us on the race a bit with this awesome little treat...

"And, new as of today: EVERY racer who officially finishes all 26 mountains and the race requirements by the end of this season, will get a FREE Epic Pass from Vail Resorts for the 2014-2015 season!"

Yay! Such a cool addition to the race! On another note, they also changed the rules a bit to account for the delayed openings as well as potential weather delays by allowing racers to still get their passes scanned and complete the photo/video requirements around the base of the resorts.  While we totally understand why this was added in, we've decided that we want to do our very best to actually ski every resort vs. just completing it to check it off our list.  It's all about the experience for us and we want to enjoy it to the fullest extent.

Heavenly is still scheduled to open tomorrow though and we were asked to be interviewed for a news station in Sacramento first thing in the morning! We couldn't say no to that, so we're delaying our drive to Colorado by one day. The news station will be doing a live remote covering opening day and our interview time is bright and early at 6:30am at the Gondola.  Hopefully we'll be able to find a link to the segment on YouTube so we can share it with everyone.

Fingers crossed Heavenly doesn't get stuck on a wind-hold tomorrow -- it is SUPER windy tonight.

P.S. --  Thank you for all of your support! We really appreciate hearing from not only our friends and family, but also from all of the people following along on Twitter and the Facebook page. It means a lot to us as we set out on this crazy journey!

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